The members of Edmund Barton Chambers have expertise in a broad range of civil, criminal and commercial law, and appear in courts and tribunals in all jurisdictions in Australia. Members have a reputation for practical and pragmatic advice, as well as staunch, skillful advocacy.

(Click on photo for profile)

History of Edmund Barton Chambers

Chambers is named after Sir Edmund Barton (born 18 January 1849 - died 7 January 1920), Australia's first Prime Minister and one of the inaugural members of the High Court of Australia. He is best remembered as a leader of the federal movement in the 1890's.

The principal building is located at 72 Wright Street, Adelaide, in a heritage listed sandstone building which was once a Chapel and shelter for one of South Australia’s oldest benevolent societies.

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Former Members of Chambers

The Hon. Chief Justice C Kourakis, Chief Justice Supreme Court of South Australia, Member: 1990-2003

The Hon. Justice K Nicholson, Justice of the Supreme Court of South Australia, Member: 1997

The Hon. Justice S David, Justice of the Supreme Court of South Australia, Member: 2003-2009

His Honour Judge M Boylan, Judge of the District Court of South Australia, Member: 1990-2004

His Honour Judge P Cuthbertson, Judge of the District Court of South Australia, Member: 1987-2009

His Honour Judge P O’Sullivan, Judge of the District Court of South Australia, Member: 1998-2018

His Honour Judge A Kimber, Judge of the District Court of South Australia, Member: 2019-2020

His Honour Judge H Barklay, Judge of the District Court of South Australia, Member: 2014-2021

Magistrate E Stratton-Smith, Member 2010-2021

Mr A Schapel, Deputy State Coroner, Member: 2001-2005

The Late M Griffin QC, Former Judge of the District Court of South Australia, Member: 1996-1997

Retired Judge P Rice, Judge of the District Court of South Australia, Member: 1989-1998

Retired Judge B Beazley, Judge of the District Court of South Australia, Member: 1992-2004

Retired Judge S Tilmouth, Judge of the District Court of South Australia, Member: 1989-2005

The Late Judge R Davey, Judge of the District Court of South Australia, Member: 1998-2007

Mrs M Shaw KC, Former Judge of the District Court of South Australia, Member: 1989-2004

His Honour Judge T Heffernan, Former Judge of the District Court of South Australia, Member: 2010-2015

Mr M Rice, Retired Master of the District Court of South Australia, Member: 1989-1994